Friday, March 17, 2006

Fairy Tales

(Another free verse. You'll get over it. ;o} )

If life were a fairy tale
I wouldn’t be here right now
I’d be at a ball, dancing my heart out
If life were a fairy tale
I’d be a princess, with scads of servants
Or at least a peasant girl who becomes a princess
If life were a fairy tale
I’d have seven older brothers
Handsome, strong, and doting, every one
If life were a fairy tale
I’d have a prince
Who would sweep me off my feet
If life were a fairy tale
I’d have a fairy godmother
Who would give me advice and stunning clothes
If life were a fairy tale
I would be unbearably beautiful
With men tripping over their feet for me
If life were a fairy tale
I’d be witty and wise and clever
And people would seek my company
If life were a fairy tale
I’d have an obscure kingdom
With riches galore and dragons and giants to fend off
If life were a fairy tale
I’d be able to feel a pea under my mattress
Instead of the occasional busted spring
If life were a fairy tale
Love would be love
And last forever
If life were a fairy tale
I would ride a horse and wield a sword
A warrior maiden, brave enough to squash spiders
If life were a fairy tale
I’d have a wallet that was never empty
Instead of one that is never full
If life were a fairy tale
Men would duel and shed blood
Willing to die for their honor and mine

But it’s not and I’m not and they’re not
Forget it
I’ll make my own ending
“She lived contentedly ever after”
Because life is not a fairy tale
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