Monday, February 05, 2007

Sweet Pea

Prompt Write a paragraph or a poem exploring your relationship with an animal or a machine. Describe the animal or machine using at least three of the senses.

He is a flash of blue on a background of green.

He is a necklace of black pearls around his neck

He is an excited flutter of wings when I come into the room

He is the smile on my face when he sings for me

He is the rising and falling notes to a melody entirely of his own invention

He is the soft, downy feathers that cover the carpet beneath his home.

He is the smell of birdseed and millet.

He is a cold, stiff body one anguished afternoon.

He is the tears that sting my eyes and drip off my chin.

He is a little freshly-turned mound of dirt in my backyard.

He is a tiny ache in my heart eleven years later.

He is a fond memory that I dust off now and again and that brings a smile.

He is a part of me.


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