Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Charge

{Stilted? Yes. Forced? Yes. Fun? Definitely. :o) }

The sunlight shone, animals fled
The birds had flown and left the glade
Trumpets were blown, decisions made
A charge was to be led

The foe was vast, their numbers large
The die was cast, and fate was set
They could not last, the end was met
But what they did was charge

Those five hundred, those brave few men
Down they thundered, to the valley
The foe blundered, could not rally
Could not meet the charge then

The swords they clashed, the sparks they flew
The sunlight flashed, war cries sounded
Their strengths were matched, foe was hounded
Though they that charged were few

As the tide turned, the vanquished fled
Honor was spurned, foe retreated
And they soon learned they were defeated
By the charge that was led

They bravely fought and glory won
Freedom was bought and paid with blood
Victory sought those few that stood
After the charge was done


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